Lorenzo Piccoli, publications
Peer-reviewed articles
Dennison, James, Piccoli, Lorenzo, & Carmo Duarte, Mariana (2024). Migration communication campaigns: towards a research agenda and open database. Journal of European Public Policy, 1–20. Available at: doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2024.2419550
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Perna, Roberta (2024). Civil society organisations and the healthcare of irregular migrants: the humanitarianism-equity dilemma. Comparative MigrationStudies 12 (20). Available at: doi.org/10.1186/s40878-024-00372-5
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Gianni, Matteo, Ruedin, Didier, Achermann, Christin, Dahinden, Janine, Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Paula Nedelcu, Mihaela, Zittoun, Tania (2024), 'What is the nexus between migration and mobility? A framework to understand the interplay between different ideal types of human movement', Sociology. Available at: doi.org/10.1177/00380385241228836.
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Ruedin, Didier and Geddes, Andrew (2023), ‘A global network of scholars? The geographical concentration of institutes in migration studies and its implications’, Comparative Migration Studies, 11(16). Available at: doi.org/10.1186/s40878-023-00336-1
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Dzankic, Jelena, Ruedin, Didier, and Jacob-Owens, Timothy (2022), ‘Restricting Human Movement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: New Research Avenues in the Study of Mobility, Migration, and Citizenship’, International Migration Review, 57(2). Available at: doi.org/10.1177/01979183221118907
Piccoli, Lorenzo and Ruedin, Didier (2022), 'Local-to-local electoral connections for migrants: the association between voting rights in the place of origin and the propensity to vote in the place of residence', Democratization, 30(1). Available at: doi.org/10.1080/13510347.2022.2108802
Piccoli, Lorenzo and Wanner, Philippe (2022), 'The political determinants of the health of undocumented immigrants: a comparative analysis of mortality patterns in Switzerland', BMC public health, 22(1), pp.1-14. Available at: doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-13188-8
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2021), 'Multilevel strategies of political inclusion: The contestation of voting rights for foreign residents by regional assemblies in Europe', Regional & Federal Studies. Available at: doi.org/10.1080/13597566.2021.1921742
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2021), 'La trasformazione del regime globale di mobilità durante la pandemia di COVID-19', Mondi Migranti: 45-60. Available at: doi.org/10.3280/MM2021-001003
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Jelena Dzankic, Didier Ruedin (2021), 'Citizenship, Migration and Mobility in a Pandemic (CMMP): A global dataset of COVID-19 restrictions on human movement', Plos One. Available at: doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248066
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2019), 'Traditions of regional citizenship: Explaining subnational variation of the right to healthcare for undocumented immigrants', Regional Studies 54(11): 1498-1507. Available at doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2019.1693530
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2019), 'The regional battleground: Partisanship as a key driver of the subnational contestation of citizenship', Ethnopolitics 18(4): 340-361. Available at doi.org/10.1080/17449057.2019.1584494
Schmid, Samuel D., Lorenzo Piccoli, and Jean-Thomas Arrighi, (2019), 'Non-universal suffrage: Measuring electoral inclusion in contemporary democracies', European Political Science 18: 695–713. Available at doi.org/10.1057/s41304-019-00202-8
Chapters in edited volumes
Piccoli, L. (2024). Pandemic citizenship. in Marisol García Cabeza and Thomas Faist (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing: Chicago. Available at: https://www.elgaronline.com/display/book/9781800880467/ch77.xml
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2020), 'Diaspora Policies, Consular Services and Social Protection for Swiss Citizens Abroad', in Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila (Eds.), Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 3), Cham: Springer. Available at: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-51237-8
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2018), 'Regional Citizenship in a System of Plural Memberships and Multilevel Rights', in Klaus Detterbeck and Eve Hepburn (Eds.), Handbook of Territorial politics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 203–214.
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2016), 'Structuring Regional Citizenship: Historical Continuity and Contemporary Salience', European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2016, Nijhoff Brill, Boston and Leiden.
Dennison, James, Piccoli, Lorenzo, Carmo Duarte, Mariana (2024), Migration Communication Campaigns: The state of the practice and an open database, ICMPD and Migration Policy Centre. Available at: https://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/76681/Migration-communication-campaigns_2024.pdf
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Dennison, James, Carmo Duarte, Mariana (2024), Migration Communication Campaigns Database, EUI Data. Available at: https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/76561
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2024), Directory of Migration Research Institutions. EUI Research Data and nccr - on the move. Available at: https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/75564
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Jelena Dzankic, Andreas Perret, Didier Ruedin, Timothy Jacob-Owens (2020), International Travel Restrictions in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, nccr - on the move and GLOBALCIT. Available at: https://tabsoft.co/3fxs9d0
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Aurélie Pont, Christina Mittmasser, Frowin Rausis, Oliver Pedersen, Lesle Ader, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Petra Sidler (2020), Mobility and Border Control in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, nccr - on the move. Available at: https://tabsoft.co/2YqC5is
Arrighi, Jean-Thomas, Piccoli, Lorenzo (2018), 'SWISSCIT Index on Citizenship Law in Swiss Cantons: Conceptualisation, Measurement, Aggregation', nccr – on the move working papers series, 18, available at https://nccr-onthemove.ch/publications/swisscit-index-on-citizenship-law-in-swiss-cantons-conceptualisation-measurement-aggregation/
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Samuel D. Schmid, Jean-Thomas Arrighi, Rainer Baubock (2017), Explanatory Note: Conditions for Electoral Rights 2017, Fiesole: European university Institute, at http://globalcit.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CER_2017_explanatory_note.pdf
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2016), 'Left out by the state, taken in by the region? Explaining the regional variation of healthcare rights for undocumented migrants in Italy, Spain, and Switzerland', nccr – on the move working papers series, 11, available at https://nccr-onthemove.ch/publications/left-out-by-the-state-taken-in-by-the-region-explaining-the-regional-variation-of-healthcare-rights-for-undocumented-migrants-in-italy-spain-and-switzerland/
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2017), 'With, without, or against the State? How European Regions Play the Brussels Game by Michaël Tatham', Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 47(2): 6 at https://academic.oup.com/publius/article/47/2/e6/3061591
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2016), 'The European Union and the Rise of Regionalist Parties by Seth K. Jolly', Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(6): 1511–1512 at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcms.12453/full
Piccoli, Lorenzo (2015), 'The Politics of Immigration in Multilevel States. Governance and Political Parties by Eve Hepburn and Ricard Zapata-Barrero (eds.)', Nations and Nationalism, 21(3): 575–57 at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nana.12133_7/abstract