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Lorenzo Piccoli, publications

Peer-reviewed articles


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Gianni, Matteo, Ruedin, Didier, Achermann, Christin, Dahinden, Janine, Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Paula Nedelcu, Mihaela, Zittoun, Tania (2024), 'What is the nexus between migration and mobility? A framework to understand the interplay between different ideal types of human movement', Sociology. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Ruedin, Didier and Geddes, Andrew (2023), ‘A global network of scholars? The geographical concentration of institutes in migration studies and its implications’, Comparative Migration Studies, 11(16). Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Dzankic, Jelena, Ruedin, Didier, and Jacob-Owens, Timothy (2022), ‘Restricting Human Movement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: New Research Avenues in the Study of Mobility, Migration, and Citizenship’, International Migration Review, 57(2). Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo and Ruedin, Didier (2022), 'Local-to-local electoral connections for migrants: the association between voting rights in the place of origin and the propensity to vote in the place of residence', Democratization, 30(1). Available at:

Piccoli, Lorenzo and Wanner, Philippe (2022), 'The political determinants of the health of undocumented immigrants: a comparative analysis of mortality patterns in Switzerland', BMC public health, 22(1), pp.1-14. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2021), 'Multilevel strategies of political inclusion: The contestation of voting rights for foreign residents by regional assemblies in Europe', Regional & Federal Studies. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2021), 'La trasformazione del regime globale di mobilità durante la pandemia di COVID-19', Mondi Migranti: 45-60. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Jelena Dzankic, Didier Ruedin (2021), 'Citizenship, Migration and Mobility in a Pandemic (CMMP): A global dataset of COVID-19 restrictions on human movement', Plos One. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2019), 'Traditions of regional citizenship: Explaining subnational variation of the right to healthcare for undocumented immigrants', Regional Studies 54(11): 1498-1507. Available at


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2019), 'The regional battleground: Partisanship as a key driver of the subnational contestation of citizenship', Ethnopolitics 18(4): 340-361. Available at


Schmid, Samuel D., Lorenzo Piccoli, and Jean-Thomas Arrighi, (2019), 'Non-universal suffrage: Measuring electoral inclusion in contemporary democracies', European Political Science 18: 695–713. Available at


Chapters in edited volumes

Piccoli, L. (2024). Pandemic citizenship. in Marisol García Cabeza and Thomas Faist (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing: Chicago. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2020), 'Diaspora Policies, Consular Services and Social Protection for Swiss Citizens Abroad', in Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila (Eds.), Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 3), Cham: Springer. Available at


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2018), 'Regional Citizenship in a System of Plural Memberships and Multilevel Rights', in Klaus Detterbeck and Eve Hepburn (Eds.), Handbook of Territorial politics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 203–214.


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2016), 'Structuring Regional Citizenship: Historical Continuity and Contemporary Salience', European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2016, Nijhoff Brill, Boston and Leiden.





Dennison, James, Piccoli, Lorenzo, Carmo Duarte, Mariana (2024), Migration Communication Campaigns: The state of the practice and an open database, ICMPD and Migration Policy Centre. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Dennison, James, Carmo Duarte, Mariana (2024), Migration Communication Campaigns Database, EUI Data. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2024), Directory of Migration Research Institutions. EUI Research Data and nccr - on the move. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Jelena Dzankic, Andreas Perret, Didier Ruedin, Timothy Jacob-Owens (2020), International Travel Restrictions in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, nccr - on the move and GLOBALCIT. Available at:


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Aurélie Pont, Christina Mittmasser, Frowin Rausis, Oliver Pedersen, Lesle Ader,  Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Petra Sidler (2020), Mobility and Border Control in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak, nccr - on the move. Available at:

Arrighi, Jean-Thomas, Piccoli, Lorenzo (2018), 'SWISSCIT Index on Citizenship Law in Swiss Cantons: Conceptualisation, Measurement, Aggregation', nccr – on the move working papers series, 18, available at


Piccoli, Lorenzo, Samuel D. Schmid, Jean-Thomas Arrighi, Rainer Baubock (2017), Explanatory Note: Conditions for Electoral Rights 2017, Fiesole: European university Institute, at


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2016), 'Left out by the state, taken in by the region? Explaining the regional variation of healthcare rights for undocumented migrants in Italy, Spain, and Switzerland', nccr – on the move working papers series, 11, available at




Piccoli, Lorenzo (2017), 'With, without, or against the State? How European Regions Play the Brussels Game by Michaël Tatham', Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 47(2): 6 at 


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2016), 'The European Union and the Rise of Regionalist Parties by Seth K. Jolly', Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(6): 1511–1512 at


Piccoli, Lorenzo (2015), 'The Politics of Immigration in Multilevel States. Governance and Political Parties by Eve Hepburn and Ricard Zapata-Barrero (eds.)', Nations and Nationalism, 21(3): 575–57 at 



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